Tracking the Top 30 Components of the Prime Unicorn Composite Index

Prime Unicorn 30

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$10,000 invested

would be worth


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The Prime Unicorn 30 Index is a modified market cap price return index that measures the share price performance of the top 30 components of the Prime Unicorn Composite Index.  The Index provides empirical data to asset managers and financial advisors interested in tracking today’s private capital markets, and for the creation of financial products.

Top Unicorns By Valuation

Utilizing both primary finance investment rounds and secondary trading data, the highest-valued Unicorns in the Prime Unicorn 30 Index are as follows


Measure the performance of U.S. based, venture-backed, companies relative to other asset classes.

Competitive Intelligence and Predictive Analytics

Investors who own shares in the underlying component companies can accurately price their investments.

Fair Value

Institutional investors who own shares or have LP exposure in the underlying component companies can more accurately price their investments.